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To Alexander Kinsley, Carnival Operator

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Dear Mr. Kinsley:

I write to follow up with your offer to make amends for the unfortunate incident with the tiger.  As you may recall, I asked if Lord Chatham and I might be afforded an opportunity to ride a pair of elephants.  I understand that some training is necessary in guiding these large animals and, as such, I request an opportunity to train with them tomorrow, Saturday, morning before you open the carnival for the presentation.  I am sending a copy of this correspondence to the Earl of Chatham as well, inviting him to join me.

Once trained, I would enjoy the opportunity to ride an elephant on Sunday, after the Christening ceremony for the Prince of Wales.  I understand that the circus will be packing up to leave Sunday afternoon, so I trust it may be a good time for a short ride.  I should like for high-placed ladies and gentlemen to come observe my attempt to make a beast act like a trusted steed.  Perhaps it would create an opportunity to provide refreshment to the few guests who might arrive.  I would be happy to compensate you for providing cider to the spectators.

I shall await your kind and prompt reply.


Charles Whitehurst

Earl of Langdon

Lord Lieutenant of London

Major in His Majesty's Life Guard 

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Dear Lord Langdon,


Thank you for contacting me. I consulted my father on the matter, but by the time I returned to the arena, the next show was underway. I looked for the two of you but was unable to locate you. My father agreed that riding the elephants is a suitable reward for your quick action in averting a terrible disaster. Such things rarely happen during our performances and we have already put stricter security measures in place.


You will need about two hours of training. The gates open at eight in the morning, so if you get here by six, then you will have plenty of time. Sunday afternoon is a good time to ride the elephants. We won’t be departing until Monday so they will have plenty of time to rest. You may invite any adults you wish, but no children will be allowed. Refreshments can be provided. We have plenty of cider, but if you want food as well, you need to tell me how many people are expected when you come for the training.  Compensation can be discussed then as well.


I will see you on Saturday morning.


Alexander Kinsley

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