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To Lord Melville, Viscount Melville, by hand, late Friday 23nd September 1678

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The letter was delivered by Douglas's man Aed, who did not trouble to wait for a reply. There was no guarantee that Melville would be In, and he need only see the note before lunch the following date.



I wood let ye ken that I am meeting with Ellen Doolittle fer lunch at the Hen's Toes to discus possible business out of Aberdeen. She is keen for us to talk things throogh first, then seek your input, but if you feel you shood be present at the offset you are of corse welcome. 

Otherwise perhaps we could meet on Sunday to discuss?





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Duncan read the note with an approving smile just before retiring for the night. Ellen had a keen mind for business, something Duncan had learned when she had taken over the reigns of Horizon Ventures and he had overseen the Edinburgh offices. Douglas, on the other hand, had the drive to plow through any and all opposition. If brute force would accomplish something, the Highlander would definitely prevail.

The Viscount contemplated for a moment if he should answer or not, and decided against it in the end. He was going to meet Sir Cedric in the morning, before Ellen and Douglas met, so he could get word to them after the meeting had ended. There is nothing I can say to them before I know what Sir Cedric has in mind.

On that thought, he undressed and went to bed.

Edited by Duncan Melville
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