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Sleigh Race -- Afternoon of New Year's Day- Xmas 1677


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  • The Winner's Circle

"Bravo," the King replied to Anne-Elizabeth's rhyme.  He looked about for others to join in, knowing that the art was difficult and few could compose something witty in but a moment.  If the others would not join in, he would find a way to remove the angst.  Still, the Lady Misrule has suggested it, so he also turned her way to see if she might venture a suggestion, or a verse.

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Charles, Caroline and Francis

There exists no greater dilemma in which a gentleman could be placed than when required to reply to a lady who is an avowed enemy.  Caroline no doubt pretended to be sweet given the presence of Lord Kingston.  It was possible, of course, that the French shrew had softened her view, but it was not probable.

Try as he might, Charles could think of nothing witty to say in reply, nor did pretty words appear in his head readily.  Langdon was no diplomat by nature.  He preferred action to posturing.

"I'm afraid that it is quite impossible for the time being.  There are so many other demands …" he added, fashioning a response to align with Kingston's lack of availability.  "I am sure you understand."  He attempted as pleasant a smile as he could muster. "I shall tell Frances that you asked after her of course."

Fortunately, the blond lord offered another topic to divert the subject.  It made Charles wonder as to how much Kingston knew about Caroline's schemes.  "No, I have not heard from my brother about any encounter of interest," he admitted.  He was not sure that he wanted to learn something in front of Caroline, but he was reasonably sure that the woman could finagle the facts from the King's gentleman anyway.  He paused and gave Francis a look that invited further information. 

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Lord Beverley smiled at Lord Chatham in return.

"Indeed, my lord, but not in dragging things behind them, it seems!" Beverley actually managed to say something that could qualify as amusing. He was usually rather quiet and not very verbose. There was little time for many introductions (although he knew most of the company) as His Majesty arrived within the group.


He bowed his appreciation for being extended into the compliments of a job well-done. It seemed to him that finishing the race safely and without turning anything over was rather well-done so long as it wasn't dead last!


The young viscount, though, was not about to sprout any rhymes. He had a difficult enough time talking around the King, let along doing anything more sophisticated. He squeezed his wife's hand and then cast a little bit of a look down at her and smiled. Maybe she would surprise him and have an aptitude for  poetry. As of yet, they had not discovered all of each other's talents and eccentricities. Women were much of a mystery to him. After only a few months, his wife still was as well!


He gave a soft clap for the new lady's poetry and then looked to see who would offer something next. 


(OOC - apologies times ten!!!)

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Despite the presence of Lord Kingston and her very best effort to act both conciliatory and friendly, Langdon would not give an inch. Hardly surprising really given how he treated young Frances. It did not help that Francis was not as forthcoming as he usually was with being helpful to her cause. Her every attempt at spending even a moment with the girl was like running into a stone wall. She was not going to lose her temper though, she remained calm and collected.

"Then give me a specific date when I may visit her, if things are so busy now, surely when the holidays are past, life will slow down a bit? Certainly you must see that cultivating some female friendship is something that is both good for Frances as she does not have a mother and something she does desire."

Francis brought up Langdon's brother but it seemed the man knew little about his own close kin too. She turned to hear her friend's reply, silently hoping he might support her cause here with some words to that effect besides simply engage in gossip...........not that she was averse to gossip mind you.

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The Winners circle


Pleased that some others cheered at her rallying too, Nicci then looked to see if a round robin ballad of the sleigh race would be conjured. Alas, most lost their tongues at that moment, it was fortune perhaps that Elizabeth took the fore and concurred a complete poem single handed!

"Well done Lady Cambray." Nicci clapped her hands. 

Nothing else needed to be added, for the poem had supplied story from start of the race to the finish. (Although perhaps someone could make a paragraph of the prize giving, but that seemed unlikely)

"It was the best race I have ever seen from table top." Nicci smiled, discovering herself growing bored now, and desiring some new entertaining thing. "Your Majesty, since we did not get to ride in the sleighs - do you think we might sleigh ride back to the place together?" she asked, “Why, I could gather some snowballs to take with us, so as to make it most interesting.”   


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The Winners' Circle

Charles was no one's idea of a poet, but under different circumstances he might have made an attempt at following Lady Cambray, and would wager that he would not humiliate himself. As it was, with migraine bearing down on him with all the dreadful inexorability of a Swiss pike block or an offended dowager, he considered it a minor triumph simply to retain his composure and not leg it for the safety of a darkened room and enough laudanum to kill a horse.

In that spirit, he smiled politely, joined in with Beverley's applause, and waited for the King to allow the group to break up, hoping no one would notice (or at least not call attention to) the slight paling of his skin under his tan.

Edited by Charles Audley
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Winners Circle

It seemed that there would be no other offerings of poetry.  Mary was far too timid to try her hand and potentially embarrass herself and her husband.  Anne-Elizabeth was too gifted at it, which served to discourage others.  Also, as noted by Nicci, Anne-Elizabeth had composed an entire poem rather than a single line.

"A Table top vantage point was more than adequate," the King noted in agreement with Lady Misrule.  "Perhaps there should be more gaming designed for table top," he offered prophetically.  

Without more wit offered, the day was feeling colder and it seemed as though there was a desire to return to the palace.  Chatham seemed to be feeling the cold.  As such, Nicolette's idea of a sleigh ride back to the palace seemed just the thing.  "An inspired idea.  You there," he beckoned a royal servant.  "A dozen snowballs for the lady."  He offered his arm to Nicci so as to escort her towards the winning sleigh.  "Feel free to target anyone along the way," the King encouraged the French beauty.

"Majesty, best let a groom drive you.  The realm need not see another sleigh accident bring three realms to their knees," Newcastle counseled.  A royal groom moved unbidden to take the reins, leaving the King and Nicci to sit in the back of the sleigh.  "Shall we?" 

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Winners Circle

Lady Lucas was nothing if not a good Sport but even she could see that the timing was now off for anyone else to contribute! Even His Majesty seemed to have concured for it was He that then set the pace for all to take leave.

She gave a nicely low curtsey then waited a few moments her hand going upon the arm of Lord Chatham with gentle pressure to encourage him to offer her assistance in rising. She had been quietly observing the Gentleman and so thinks that he is not as cheery as presented.

"Lord Chatham? Might I trouble you to see me but a short distance  ......"

She nodded and smiled giving a reverance to Newcastle then another that would suffice for the rest of The Company.

If Lord Chatham preveiled then he would hear her whisper for his ear alone -

"You are in some distress yes? See me just there and then take your leave. I am well able to find my way to St Marks. If you wish for my help you have it."

She would not intrude nor ask what ere was troubling. Yet her sincerity she hoped was clear.

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The Winners Circle


Anne-Elisabeth basked in the compliments and applause following her rhyme. Once again, she had impressed the King with a limerick. Perhaps he would remember her and ask her to compose more poetry at future events. She felt as if she had taken another step toward her goal of becoming well-known for her wit.


Nobody else offered a verse, which was what she had hoped for. It was too bad that Dorset wasn't here. He would have given her some competition. The group began to break up and her elation was eclipsed by loneliness. Nicolette and the King were leaving in the sleigh she had used for support, Lady Lucas was with Lord Chatham, and the Beverleys had each other.


The cold air wrapped itself around her and she shivered. Looking over at Lord Ogle, she wondered if he would offer to see her safely and see her safely to the carriage that had brought her to the park. If not, perhaps a gallant gentleman would come to her rescue so she wouldn't have to brave the snow by herself.


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Davina with Sophia

She could see clear enought that soon they would reach the archway that would take then undercover then further into the Palace. It was time to continue on her own.

"I must thank you Lady Toledo for the attention and care for my person. I am glad for it. I had not wanted to attend but was persuaded and even tho I offered protest Churchill and Ogle were too strong and so I had no say."

'But in the end the only one to suffer was Churchill but he is like to recover and as for Ogle I don't think he will seek my company anytime soon - I fear my words were not as sweet as he hoped for!"

"You must be chilled as well. I am fine from this place and tis only a short distance further. Let us part here then."

She stood a bit apart form the others' side and offered her curtsey. Davina knew that the Baroness would have no troubles going wherever she wished for did not her husband provide her with protection?

"Be safe as well and take care that you do not become ill tis cold still. I think we shall both be Gald to see the warmth of Spring!" 

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Charles and Cordelia, taking their leave.

Charles gave Cordelia his arm as bidden, flashing a quick smile as he helped take her weight. In truth, he was grateful for the distraction.

"It should be my pleasure, my lady," he replied, sweeping a bow to the company as they flowed through the formalities of departure.

He could not help but stiffen slightly at Cordelia's whisper. The thought that his distress had been perceptible was almost more disquieting for him than the impending migraine itself. His control was important to his image of himself, and the realisation that it had been less than perfect was... upsetting, for want of a better word. Charles would have much preferred to have been publicly stricken by the full force of his condition rather than have his attempts to conceal his panic at its looming onset fail. He hesitated for a moment, considering Cordelia sidelong before replying.

"More anticipating it," he offered at last, voice low. "I am bound for St. Marks myself, though, and truthfully I would be delighted to accompany you."

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The Event Ending

The groups dissipated.  The King and Nicolette mounted a sleigh and moved away, giving her the opportunity to hit stray persons with snowballs.  Newcastle demanded the attention of his son and the two of them entered a second sleigh to accompany the King.  A servant moved to take the reins while Cavendish explained to his son that close proximity to the King at all times was a well-trod path to success for young gentlemen. 

Anne-Elizabeth was left alone after all, though surrounded by servants, any of whom would have lent assistance if she requested.  In the days ahead she might address her loneliness by enlarging her circle.  Being a social creature by nature, that would not be difficult for her.


OOC~ Let's wrap things up please

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Sophia leaving Davina and searching for Esteban


Davina didn't answer her question about the two gentlemen. Considering what had happened at the race, maybe she didn't want to talk about them. Sophia would probably have felt the same way. She didn't sound too thrilled with either of them and they had apparently picked her up and thrown her into the sleigh without her consent. The entire event must have been horribly distressing, particularly as she hadn't planned to attend at all.


The young blonde was a bit hesitant to leave her alone, but she insisted that she would be able to go the rest of the way on her own. “I was pleased to be of assistance.” Even had the King not insisted she accompany Davina back to the palace, she would have volunteered. “I am quite cold and I need to find my lord husband before I go home.


“And yes, I do look forward to spring. I hope to see you again soon, Mistress Wellsley.” Turning around, she retraced her steps, Aurora scampering merrily in front of her. When she reached the park, she searched for Esteban, knowing that he would wonder where she had gone.


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Anne-Elisabeth looking for a servant to drive a sleigh


It was the fate of a newcomer to be abandoned, even after a moment of triumph. If she had known more people, she could have asked one of them to take her back to her carriage. Maybe it was fortunate that a gentleman had not offered to assist her, as he might have expected to be invited to her room for a reward that she wasn't willing to give.


Deciding to take a cue from the others who were leaving in sleighs, she attempted to find a servant to drive one for her and drop her off in front of St. Mark's Hall. Her carriage could follow behind her.  A sleigh ride, even a solitary one, would lift her spirits. Even when she was alone, she tried to find ways to enjoy herself.

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"I for one would be interested in that." Nicci cheered the Royal notion for an entirely new genre of sporting; namely table top games.

Spirits were high in general, and Nicci having such a fine time that she did not notice that any others might be waning.  CR then seconded her suggestion of their own sleigh ride... it was a cue perhaps that the event itself was now over.  Though the Kings cheerful spirit was set to continue still.  "Ooh I wish Lord Roos was here, I'd try knock his hat of with a well thrown snowball!" she laughed as she took possession of crystalline armoury. 

Soon enough they were settled in the sleigh, Nicci kneeling up on the seat to have a better vantage to throw her snowballs from!

As the sleigh began to move off she threw one at Beverley, one at Charles A, even one at Cordelia, and another at Elizabeth Anne...  but then the Winners circle was too far off. With a faux-sigh of disappointment she slumped back into the seat alongside His Majesty.  "Now what on earth can I do with the rest of these..." her eyes glinted playfully at her next target.




<fade out>

OOC: thankyou for a great fun Event thread BG! 

Edited by Nicolette Vauquelin
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Beverley smiled as Lady Misrule absconded with the King into a sleigh. He did not even mind as more snowballs were lobbed. Being a polite young viscount, he did try to save his wife from any wayward balls of snow.


"Shall we head inside to warm up and share something hot to drink?" he asked her. They had a little bit of time since they had space in the palace, small though it was, and that was really rather lucky today. 


(Fin! Thanks :D)

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Being entirely uninformed, Francis continued to sense nothing amiss. 


Or rather, the only thing he sensed amiss was that little Whitehurst had not spoken to his brother as Francis had asked him to. For a brief moment the blond's brow furrowed. He had completely expected the younger one to come clean. It was the easy thing to do when Francis had already said he'd check up after it, but apparently not. 


"Ah, well...I think you have enough to think about for one day." His eyes moved to the carriage. "Are you going to the Duke of Cumberland's tomorrow? Perhaps we can have a moment when not distracted by a young lady's discomfort." It only seemed the gallant thing to do. Being so involved in military matters, Kingston was fairly sure Langdon would attend.


"You will forgive me if I let you arrange the particulars of your visit to your friend without me? I need to catch Mademoiselle Vauquelin before she gets off too far," he said to Caroline, not knowing that she disliked Langdon or had any issues in the least. He would have been more hesitant to leave if he had suspected it. She was doing a fine job of acting in that way!


(OOC - somehow Francis has to get back to Nicci when this thread wraps up, bc they walk together in the hallways following this event, so do forgive him! He can't time knot himself ;) )

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"Yes, that would be best," Langdon hastily agreed.  Women problems was a thing not to mingle with any sort of business.  Furthermore, he was not eager to have Caroline hear anything about his brother.

"Yes, I would not miss it."  Cumberland's gathering was a must for all soldiers.

"I had best be on my way as well.  Feel free to send me a letter Lady," he addressed Caroline politely.  Whether he would ever read such a thing was another matter.  With a nod to both, Charles attempted to move away closer to the coach.  He was eager to get home.

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A letter? A damned letter! Caroline could only barely restrain her simmering temper. It would feel so good to simply smack this Langdon right across his face with her hand but then such temporary satisfaction would not help in the long run. And Kingston, could be be any more oblivious? He seemed unwilling to support her in her time of need. How disappointing.

"I will write then, my lord, rest assured. And I will expect an answer, a positive one or I will visit without prior notice. Frances has a right to see a friend, she is not a prisoner afterall but a young lady," Caroline replied.

One man went one way, the other in a different direction and there she was, all alone. Guess she might as well head back to her residence...unescorted. One lesson seemed to be learned this day. Being nice did not pay. She might have to handle this another way.

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