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The New Years Eve Ball- Xmas 1677


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The Toledos


Sophia smiled smugly when Esteban admitted that she might be right. She had no idea that he was just humoring her and she might have been angry had she known. “I will see what I can do,” she replied.


Cumberland's wife might be the easiest to approach because she had been an actress and had probably recognized the young singer's talent at the orphanage. Lady Norfolk was out and she knew absolutely nothing about Lady Bristol, though it wouldn't be difficult to find out about her. Perhaps one of them would help her establish the society for married ladies she wished to start.


The excitement of the evening seemed to be over and Sophia realized how tired she was. If the musicians began to pack away their instruments, signifying that there would not be another dance,  she wouldn't protest if her husband wished to leave.


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Anne-Elisabeth returning


After parting from Dorset, Anne-Elisabeth strolled toward one of the drink tables, wondering if anything else interesting would happen tonight. Maybe a courtier or two would want to continue celebrating and throw a party that she could crash. Or perhaps there would be another dance. She was always full of restless energy after a good shag.


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She laughed brightly - surprised (and impressed!) at Peg's cheeky reply.  All this time Nicolette had heard the Duke of Cumberland was a stuffy and rather uptight man, but here now his taste in women showed he had an entirely other side.  Oo la la!  In his love live he must be quite a rascal!   Poor Rupert seemed aware of the revelations his morganic wife was making (though done in mode of playful harmless fun) and had to clear his throat of a consternation.

It was extremely entertaining to watch!  (Nicci tried to hide her delight of the gentleman’s response). Oh, but let me see better..." She moved closer to Peg, party to the subtle shifting of topic to the admiration of pretties. "but these are beautiful,  aren't they Lord Burgoyne?" she turned to smile sweetly to her admirer, "if only I were so loved..."  here she turned and winked to Peg. 

Peg was an utterly marvellous ally to have gained! 

This last little flutter of fun for the evening was like a cherry on top of a most marvellous ball.  Nicci was tiddly with happiness making her farewells, pressing her gracious escort for the latter part of the ball to accompany her to the carriages.  She did pause to look about for the still missing Ranelagh and Caroline (their prolonged absence was quite conspicuous).  Perhaps it was in response to that detail that had her linger a moment in the dim before entering the carriage - providing John with a opportunity to kiss her farewell if he dared.  



OOC: thankyou BG & Defiance both for the wonderful NPC's you've written opp. Nicci at the Ball! ❤️



Edited by Nicolette Vauquelin
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Francis & Frances


The male Francis chuckled and said, "Are you inviting me to tea at yours?"


Smiling, he added, "If you do not mind the well-wishes of many Villiers relations on the way out...Or the kisses of my many female relations...I bet we can find a parlour here in the palace to enjoy a drink together."


There were many rooms in the palace that could be used if one knew where they were, for Whitehall was something of a maze. Thankfully, he had to know much of that for his service to the King. It was also a simple affair for a duchess and one of the King's Gentlemen to get the attention of a servant to fetch them a bottle.


"Or we could see if any of the Merry Gang is passed out in the wine cellar." He snickered.


(OOC - I'll let you wrap it up and decide what they do ;)  Since we're really far from Friday night, it would probably be better not to do a continuation! they can always have a thread on a later day in the season.)

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Neither Beverley had apparently been the best at accomplishing all they wished to, for there was no time left for Cumberland to make any more introductions. Not to mention Lord Beverley was not the most fond of large crowds or socializing in them. He had managed to speak to the Lord Chancellor and set up an appointment and that was the most pressing thing. 


He joined his wife in the group around the Queen. "How are you Lady Wife? Shall we make our final well-wishes and retire to our chambers?" Her leaned down just a bit to give her a soft kiss and then whispered, "I confess a nice seat by the fire with you sounds perfect." 

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Charles, looking for his stepmother.

And there it was. The year of the Lord sixteen hundred and seventy eight. The seamlessness of the transition bemused Charles. A moment had passed, and with it a year. Surely, it seemed to him, there should be something more to mark the occasion. An eclipse, or something of that nature. It was wrong that the world did nothing to signify the turning of time, leaving the celebration of such to brief mortals. But then time itself was an inherently human concept, was it not? It followed, then, that nature would care nothing for it. Charles nodded, satisfied with his conclusions.

I'm drunk, he realised, finally shaking free of his philosophical musings. He laughed at the realisation, and knocked back the last of his brandy. It had been a good evening, and if he had not accomplished as much as he might have wished or intended, he could not find it in himself to regret his diversions. 

But I should at least check on what little business I managed to attend to this evening before taking my leave.

Straightening up, he peered about the ballroom, looking for any sign of his stepmother.

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Frances and Francis


Frances playfully swatted Francis' arm with her fan. “Of course not, silly. It's too late for tea.” She wouldn't mind having tea with him in a public place, such as the tea shop, but it would be up to him to suggest it. When ladies invited gentlemen on outings, the gentlemen usually expected something in return. The Duchess didn't think that Francis would impose upon her in that fashion, but she would rather that he suggest that they meet again. What lady didn't like being pursued?


His other suggestions were met with giggles and a wrinkling of her nose. Drinking with him alone in a parlor would lead her friends to gossip, and she wasn't certain she wanted to know what the Merry Gang was getting up to. The ballroom was slowly beginning to empty. The excitement of the evening was over.


“It looks like the ball is ending,” she said, a bit of reluctance in her voice. “Perhaps it is best that you walk me to my carriage.”


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Charles taking his leave

No sign whatsoever. Curious. And none of Arthur either. For a moment Charles entertained the thought that Cadogan's suit had prospered before dismissing it. He did not think Arthur so adept.

Of course, he was not necessarily the one making all the running in that pairing...

Charles snorted in amusement. An entertaining thought, but he found it unlikely. Were such a fancy to seize her, he rather thought that Mary would aim somewhat higher. No, in all probability, the absences of Mary and Arthur were entirely unconnected.

And I cannot make my mind up if that is good or bad.

That left him with another question, of course — would it be churlish of him to leave without her? The ball was ending, clearly, and Charles knew he would be well advised to seek his bed. On the other hand, he could not shake the feeling that doing anything... discourteous would be in some way handing points to Mary in whatever game they were playing. And that he could not bear.

And on the third, rather suspect hand, being seen to dance attendance on her is a defeat as well.

Shaking his head, Charles decided to take his leave and linger outside with his pipe. If she did not turn up before he finished the bowl, he could leave with a clear conscience (that was a poor choice of words, he noted. His conscience would be clear in any case, but this way he would not have lost.) If she did show up, why then, he had merely been enjoying the night air and some fine tobacco.

Mind made up, Charles strolled from the ballroom.


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