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Keeping an Appointment at Kemp's 10 am 27th- Xmas 1677

Louis Killington

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"Has he been stripped of his offices then?" Perhaps it had been done quietly. Basildon had heard nothing official. If he had, there were his newspapers to alert.


"I do not believe I have holdings there, though one could be acquired easily enough," Basildon answered. "I mention it only because I believe Danby has the office. The only way he will believe that I have come to help him is if I ask for something significant," he went on to explain. "He knows that I do not need money. So, expressing interest in one of his secondary offices would seem the best. If not Lord Lieutenant then perhaps a seat on the Admiralty. I think he still has that. I would offer him some small favor if he sold me the office. In such a case he would likely believe that my warning to leave was genuine, motivated by opportunity to collect one of his offices." Louis admitted that he did not know how Danby had come by the office, oblivious to the fact that Buckingham was still annoyed by the loss.


It might be true that the King would be suspicious if Basildon was sold the office by Danby. Louis paused to consider the warning. "If the King's men are watching Danby closely, then I should think that they will know that I have had no other dealings with him. Frankly, your support of my position is all that His Majesty needs to know. Given your known emnity to Danby, he should not suspect that I am still in league with the man. I should think it could be characterized as little more than a need to transfer it to someone, and that one of his creatures would not likely be approved by the King, so better to give it to a former protege than see it fall into the hands of an complete enemy," Louis theorized aloud.


"Now then," the Earl added as a transition. "Are there other considerations of which I am ignorant, or not? If not, then point me to his location and I shall pay him a visit soon enough." The plan was already taking shape in his mind. There were just a few small details to consider.

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"His Majesty has no intention to let Danby sell what he could sell himself, but Danby need not know that. Offer what you wish, but you may have to give Danby some coin in actuality to convince him," Buckingham advised. Not that Basildon did not have some to spare from what he knew. If the earl had to spend some coin to achieve this end, it would still be well worth it to him and hurt him little.


"The King does have his own mind, Basildon, though I am best to know it. He is shrewd and he will want his cut of profit for bearing the separation from his son." Basildon had spoken foolishly to Peyton and while the King forgave he would put an amount on it to enable his merry-making. Who knew, perhaps it would pay for the King to give Basildon's cousin extravagant gifts. Keep it all in the family, as it were. The thought amused him.


"As I said, as I know where his new location is, so shall you know. It is likely he only moved when he found for certain you would not change your mind and come at the appointed time. As soon as my spies tail him to his new resting place, I will send word." He finished what was in his cup and then added, "If other considerations arise, I will keep you aware."

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"You are likely right," the Earl admitted, while harboring the belief that the King might let him keep the office if he paid a further gratuity to the King. The idea that he might be compelled to pay some sort of fine in addition did not sit well with the young lord. He was convinced throughout this affair that much was being made of nothing. Yet, in a monarchy, fairness rarely was a reality. If one wished royal favor then one needed to comply with each royal wish. Given that there was so much to gain, he could hardly become stingy at the threshold of success.


"I shall find a way to persuade Osbourne," Basildon stated simply. He would need to adapt his strategy to whatever it was that Danby wished to offer him.


"Very well. I shall take my leave then and await your missive." He had finished his drink as well. "Before I go, look at your calendar and tell me which day after New Years Day is best for you to attend my reception at the Woolsack to see what might be done to have an entertaining conversation about world politics. There is only so much holiday cheer and inane banter that I can stand in a fortnight," he offered with a sense of humor. "This is the event I mentioned where I thought to invite the various ambassadors to dinner and then excuse them so we Englishmen, privy counselors, can enjoy a cigar and brandy and make light of them all. If you were unable to attend, the level of wit following the meal would be greatly diminished."

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Buckingham chuckled and then tittered some.


"I never even carry coin, Basildon. I am surely not a man to carry a calendar, and I oft madden my household by my mercurial tendencies to change my arrangements." He smiled. Basildon unintentionally amused him, and that was a good state to float between as a man of the duke's favour.


"Tuesday? A fine day of the week for such a meeting. Monday is for merry after the doldrums of Sundays, but it might do."

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"No coin?" Louis played chuckled. "So this elaborate meeting was for me to treat you to breakfast?" he jested, knowing that Buckingham would have a tab at any establishment, if he decided to identify himself.


"Tuesday the 4th would be a fine day then. I shall arrange it with the Woolsack and send out invitations." The message had been understood.


Ready to depart, Louis offered playfully "shall we split up so that the King and Danby's spies shall be in a quandry as to who to follow? Perhaps we might invent harsh words for one another upon departure so as to misinform them?" Louis enjoyed subterfuge. What intriguer did not?


~ finis?

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