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Charitable works aka What madness is this?! | 25th 1pm- Xmas 1677


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The black Arab had a fairly mercurial temper but today, for the young lady who patted his nose, he decided to behave himself, merely lipping at her fingers to see whether she had any treats for him. Douglas glanced back to check that Sophia wasn't about to be bitten before focusing on what the ladies were saying. A Sophia patted his neck, the horse swung his head around and started lipping at her hair, blowing a wet rasberry in her ear.


So it was charity that they had in mind? Or was that an excuse to experience the popular horrors of the insane asylum? Both ladies were adventuresses, after all. Perhaps that was why Jemmy had given such instructions to his driver. Douglas had never liked the King's bastard son much; the Scot mightn't be the brightest candle in the chandelier but he was a positive genius next to Monmouth, and the only time they'd spoken Jemmy had been entirely too full of himself and condescending for someone also born on the wrong side of the blankets.


Smiling inwardly at Anne's enthusiastic woop, Douglas regarded the driver squarely. "Acoorse. The Lairdies weel be safe, an' on thair best behaviour." He confirmed. "On my honour."*


As he said the last he looked pointedly at Anne and Sophia. He was risking his reputation here, such as it was, against the King's son's ire; anything they got up to would reflect on him. And vice versa of course; he would do all in his power to keep them safe.


"Shall we thain?"** He asked, catching hold of Daemhan's bridle just as the black's ears flicked back, a sure sign that he was about to get insistant in his search for treats, and start using his teeth.


Swinging up into the saddle, Douglas held out a hand to Anne on impulse, offering her to ride with him, if she would like to. Given Sophia's newly wed status, such an invitation in her direction likely wouldn't win over her husband.



* "Of course. The Ladies will be safe, and on their best behaviour. On my honour."

** "Shall we then?"

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Sophia laughed when Daemhan lipped at her fingers, searching for treats. “If I had known you would be here, I would have brought you something,” she whispered. “I will make it up to you another time.” Now she would have to carry carrots and apples in her pocket in case she ran into Douglas on horseback again. If horses could smell them, every horse in London would start following her around.


“And no, that does not mean mean you can eat my hair,” she admonished him, patting her flaxen curls back into place and chuckling when he blew a raspberry in her ear. “Acapella likes to do that too. The two of you are more alike then you think. Maybe the next time you meet, you will be friends.” Although it was a pleasant notion, it would probably be a cold day in hell when the two stallions did more than barely tolerate each other.


Realizing that talking to a horse might get her committed to the very hospital they planned to visit, she patted his neck one more time and then moved closer to Douglas, Anne, and the driver. The stubborn fellow finally agreed, and Sophia smiled broadly at her friend's whoop. She nodded when Douglas gave both ladies a searching look, silently promising that she would behave.


However, she frowned when Douglas remounted and held out his hand to Anne. “If you ride with him, Your Grace, will your driver follow if I'm alone in the carriage?” she asked. “It is too far for me to walk and the cake is in the coach.” Riding with them on Daemhan was not an option. The young Baroness was already in hot water with her husband and she didn't want to make things worse between them.

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It was a splendid turn around, the outing nearly ruined, to now having her favorite escort. So that as Doug remounted and extended his hand, she'd no thought of decline. Was she to sit in front of him or behind him, either seemed an enhancement of her adventure, and definitely a thumbing of nose at her wayward husbands restrictions over her. "Thank you Captain!"


Alas her young friend felt left out. Sophia looked up at them with a little pout, and claimed she'd be left behind now. "Not at all, we shall not leave." The Duchess promised, and looked across to the driver to tell him, "My husband did not ban you from delivering anyone else upon her adventure, did he?" It was actually the perfect solution, though all the better for Douglas taking accountability. Douglas gave a warm reassurance to the adventure.


"It is not far. We shall wait for you to get in the carriage." She turned her head partly to Douglas then, fancying he might think to tell her some thing. Like perhaps he was secretly in love with her? No, he'd not say that of course, but it was a pleasant imagining.




The trip to Bedlam's new location was barely quarter of an hour, the streets were not very busy at this time of the year; with few street sellers trying to way lay them. Then there she was; the great building stood darkly before them, it's gates closed and grey dressed guards standing behind of them - one smoking a pipe.

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“We’ll ride apace wi’ the coach.”* Douglas assured Sophia as he pulled Anne up in front of him, so that she was sitting sideways in his lap. It had been a spur of the moment gesture, but Douglas was rarely one for regret. He couldn’t help but wonder how long the ladies had been planning this outing.


Anne’s warm thanks brought a smile to Douglas’s ascetic features. “T’is my pleasure, Yer Grace.” Douglas said quietly, breath warm against her ear as she half-turned towards him. “I hae missed ye.”** He said quietly, his voice a deep rumble in his chest.


Nudging Daemhan into a walk, they kept pace with the coach so that Sophia might talk to them via the window if she wished. It was a pleasant way to travel and a definite improvement on his plan of mooching around Alyth house until it was time to get ready for the ball.


“Sae tell me, why Bedlam?”*** He asked because it didn’t exactly seem like the obvious choice for a gesture of charity. The Chelsea Veterans were clean and gentile and not insane, for example. Or the fire victims Farm that Cat ran, although many people there had since moved on with their lives. But there were plenty of other opportunities. Why the madhouse.


Hopefully it wasn’t a case of like attracting like.


Soon enough they arrived at their destination and Douglas swung down from the saddle, before helping Anne down by means of a pair of strong hands about her waist and a warm smile. Then he turned and opened the door of the coach for Sophia, offering her a hand down the steps. Regardless of the dark nature of their location, he couldn’t hope for more pleasant company.



* “We’ll ride apace with the coach.”

** “It’s my pleasure, Your Grace. I have missed you.”

*** “So tell me, why Bedlam?”

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Both Anne and Douglas assured her that they would not leave her behind, and Sophia went back to the carriage and settled herself inside while the Scot swung the Duchess in front of him. She was not envious of Anne for getting to ride with him; it was far too cold to ride on the back of a horse. The carriage was much warmer.


She did envy the Duchess for her freedom, though. Apparently, her husband didn't care what she did as long as she did not put herself in danger. If he was as possessive of her as Esteban was of Sophia, she would not have ridden with another man in front of her coach driver. He obviously answered to her husband, but she didn't seem the least bit concerned. Perhaps she would give him a few coins for his silence.


Lord Dundarg was very considerate, riding beside the window of the coach instead of ahead of it. As such, Sophia did not feel like a third wheel. “Because it is such a sad place,” she replied when he asked why they had chosen that particular location to deliver the cake to. “The people who live there may be mad, but they still deserve to be happy. Since they cannot be with their families on Christmas, perhaps our visit will cheer them.”


She left out the plan to liberate them. In truth, she would have to see them first in order to decide whether it was a good idea or not. The petite blonde was not willing to risk them being harmed. If they weren't able to take care of themselves, the were probably better off where they were. There were other adventurous things they could do for them, such as sending anonymous notes to their families telling them to visit. Delivering them without being seen would be quite daring.


However, if it turned out that they weren't insane at all but confined for other reasons, she would not hesitate to help them escape.


It wasn't long before they arrived at their destination. Sophia waited in the carriage for the door to be opened for her, a bit surprised that it was Douglas and not the coach driver. She placed her small hand in his and allowed him to assist her to the ground. No matter what other people said, he was a gentlemen in her eyes. It didn't matter to her … and never would … that he was illegitimate. He was more noble than some legitimate courtiers she knew. In her opinion, you were only a bastard if you acted like one.


Looking at the ominous gates before them and the formidable building behind it, Sophia shivered. I'm glad I'm not locked away in there. She would let Anne do the talking. It was more likely that the guards would listen to a Duchess than a foreign wife of an Ambassador. Douglas might have more luck with them as well, being one of the life guards of the King. She did grace them with a disarming smile, though. She didn't have much influence, but she possessed charm in spades and she would use it if neither Anne nor Douglas could sway the guards.

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Anne, once positioned just in front of him like that, became quite docile, her lips pressed together as she repressed a smile.


For all of the Duchesses freedom, it had been a long time since she'd been this close to a man. It had been (or at least felt) like years since her her husband had visited her bedroom. As far as her own adventuring went, she'd never strayed into that between men and women. Oh, unless you counted that time she'd drowned her sorrows with Charles (her husbands Aide at the time). When she'd woken up she'd realised she'd let him comfort her a bit too much. Nine months later, a baby.


But aside from that one night, a deep and dark secret, she was not that sort of woman.


Douglas' body was so warm where her side pressed against it, her hand felt so awkward where she held him to keep herself steady. His smile. His smile seemed a little bit like a love declaration, but, but she was probably just imagining it. "The season shall be better, for your being here with us." she said. Wishing she'd thought of something wittier, something that referenced their nautical adventure, but her mind had stopped somehow upon his closeness.


Fortunately Douglas asked a sensible question. Anne drew a breath to answer him, but Sophia was already answering from the carriage. Anne said no more, but moved a little, resting against him. Let her eyes closed shut, and to pretend...


Too soon! Here they were at the Bethlehem Star Hospital gates... lifted down that her feet touched the chill paving. Being of rank, Anne knew the role she needed to perform then. "Lord Dundarg, can you please advise the gateman that the Duchess of Buccleuch is here to deliver Christmas cake for the patients, and wish to speak to the hospitals Governor." With the formality of the moment, she anticipated that Sophia would act like her lady in waiting.

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It was a sweet, charitable and utterly naïve reasoning that Sophia gave Douglas. The ladies felt sorry for the patients stuck in Bedlam over Christmas, unable to celebrate with their families. It was the kind of compassionate impulse that showed great generosity of spirit, and no grasp of reality. Still, he couldn’t fault the desire to improve the season for these poor people.


“Mos’ folk in Bedlam weel hae been put thair by thair fam’lies.”* He revealed quietly. Those whose families could no longer deal with them – whether by virtue of insanity, addiction or infidelity amongst other reasons – ended up here. Of course, some families were less than generous in what they were prepared to care for but still, he suspected that his companions might be in for a bit of a shock.


Anne settled comfortably against him and he transferred the reins to one hand so that he could put the other around her waist; to keep her from falling off the horse, of course. Her words brought a smile to the big man’s face though he said nothing more, content to just enjoy the moment and the feeling of her leaning against him. He hadn’t been this close to Anne since Brighton. At least, he thought so. She’d given him her room key, and he remembered heading to the Inn where she stayed. He was quite certain he’d had sexual liaisons, he’d certainly woken up rather deshabille, but in the middle of the camp. He’d like to think they’d had a night of wild passion together, and there were dim memories of soft skin and ragged breathing, but the latter part of the night was such a blur that he couldn’t be entirely certain. The big Scotsman was not accustomed to the effects of opium other than as a pain killer, so the memory was rather hazy. Well, if that night didn’t count, perhaps he might be allowed to try again.


With the ladies on their feet once more, Anne was clearly prepared for this moment and acted as one might expect a highborn lady to. Douglas fell instantly into character. “At once, Yer Grace!” He snapped to attention, gave the ladies a wink, swivelled on his heel and all but marched up to the two guards at the gate. “Her Grace, the Duchess o’ Buccleuch, is here tae see the Governor, an’ deliver cakes tae the patients in th’spirit o’ the season.”** He informed them in clear, firm tones that suggested he expected they should be delighted to be so honoured, and facilitate the visit immediately. The fact that Douglas not only wore the uniform of a Life Guard but was visibly armed no doubt helped with the impression that he did not expect argument.



* “Most people in Bedlam will have been put there by their families.”

* “At once, Your Grace! Her Grace, the Duchess of Buccleuch, is here to see the Governor, and deliver cakes to the patients in the spirit of the season.”

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If the patients had been put there by their families, maybe they didn't want them back. Still, liberating them might be better for them than being confined to the hospital if they were not insane. They could go somewhere else and begin new lives. Sophia was naïve, but she knew that some families were not close and would seek to rid themselves of troublesome relations, particularly if they were wealthy. She could see perfectly sane people being committed because their relatives coveted their fortune or needed the money to pay debts.


“If their families do not want them, that is even more reason to bring them some Christmas cheer. They must be very lonely.”


At their destination, Anne immediately took the lead, using both her own position and Lord Dundarg's to intimidate the guards into letting them enter. The tall Scot played along and Sophia doubted the guards would refuse the two of them. She was a bit unsure of who she was supposed to be in this scenario, but perhaps the Duchess was taking her up on her earlier offer to pose as her maidservant.


This was ideal for at least two reasons. She would not have to reveal her true identity, and sometimes servants were allowed into places that nobles were not. Maybe she would be able to get closer to the patients than either of her companions.


As if reluctantly, she pulled her gaze away from the guards and stood demurely behind Anne and waited for further instructions.

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"Welcome! And merry Christmas!" the senior gatekeeper was quick to reply, peering beyond Douglas to see the woman better, then back to the Lifeguard, "That's right nice of Her Grace, right nice of you too. Cake you said? Well that's sure to make everyone happy." the keys rattled, and iron squawked as the pedestrians gate (to the side of the main gate), was opened.


"Err... we've not a guv'ner though, but Warden you'll be wanting to see. But ere, I'll look after those cakes then for you. Lots of stairs to the Wardens office, no need for you to be lugging cake all the ways up there."


Pleased of how easily progress was being made, Anne gave Sophia's hand a squeeze, then followed along behind Douglas.


There was a brick gatekeepers hut to the left - while the driveway deviated off to the right disappearing around to the back of the building. A sign was fastened on the wall there that read 'Deliveries'. But it was to the front door that the Gatekeeper gestured them towards; namely a pale blue door, with a newspaper jammed in the letter slot.

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“Thain t’weel be th’ Warden that Her Grace wishes tae speak tae.” Douglas confirmed. “We wuid be mos’ obliged if ye wuid lead the wa’.”* Since he had no clue of the layout of the place. Still, the Warden might prove a more pleasant prospect than the patients themselves.


The gatekeepers seemed accepting enough of their intentions, in fact they were very welcoming, though Douglas noted the chief gatekeeper’s interest in the cake. “We’ll tak the cakes wi’ us, Her Grace weel want tae see thaim distributed person’ly.” Douglas told the men. “But I’m sure she brocht some fer the hard-workin’ men wha see that Bedlam keeps functionin’.”**


He didn’t glance at Anne as he spoke, but he hoped that she would take the hint. A little bribe to the gatekeepers would see things go that much more smoothly.




* “Then it will be the Warden that Her Grace wishes to speak to.”

** “We’ll take the cakes with us, Her Grace will want to see them distributed personally. But I’m sure she brought some for the hard-working men who see that Bedlam keeps functioning.”

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The guards put up no protest and opened the gates for them. They seemed quite interested in the cakes. Sophia expected that they would devour them if the sweet confections were left in their care. Douglas seemed to be thinking along the same lines and insisted that they would take the cakes with them. As the Duchess' maidservant, she would probably be the one carrying them up all the stairs. It was a good thing that she had a lot of practice toting cats and monkeys up staircases. At least cakes didn't move.


When Anne squeezed Sophia's hand, she returned the gesture and grinned at her friend. Their adventure was about to get underway. She supposed that she was posing as a lady-in-wating, because a Duchess would never be so friendly with servant.


“Shall I fetch the cakes from the carriage, Your Grace?” she asked.

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Anne's eyes flared with silent agreement to Douglas. "But yes, I've a cake for the guards too, that is if you are called guards here, you are doctor perhaps? It's not a prison now, is it!" she cheerfully declared. There was rarely any issue when one mistook a persons rank as superior to what it really was.


"Er ahm..." the guard faltered over correcting her misunderstanding.


"Why that would be fabulous." she replied to Sophia, "and the good Doctor is sure to help you."


So it was that the guard found himself walking to the carriage with Sophia. "These are right fine company you are with milady, were you the one to make these cakes. I suppose I've no need to ask... but there aint anything like files cooked in there, is there?"


Anne waited with Douglas, and gave a pleased whisper. "It couldn't be going any better!"


The boxes of cakes were loaded to Sophia's and 'The Doctors' arms, one box for the lady, two boxes for the man.


"I cant wait to see their faces when they are all freed!" Anne revealed a little to much as she watched.

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Anne’s exuberant agreement and compliments seemed to overwhelm the guards, their intended purpose no doubt. It was the kind of thing the highly born were bred and trained to do; to move through life with the expectation that things would go their way, and not give the world time to form a conflicting opinion.


Sophia played the Lady’s maid well, Douglas felt a little sorry for her but she was an actress and he of her own free will. He’d take that box off her, but he was a little worried he might need his hands free, inside the Hospital. Also there was the look of the thing and the parts they were playing.


Still, Douglas was entirely unprepared for Anne’s quiet little breath of enthusiasm. It was fortunate he wasn’t drinking anything, else she might have worn it. As it was he turned a rather incredulous look on her. “Tell me yer jokin’.” He said, before getting a handle on himself and schooling his expression and his words a bit more carefully. “These er dangerous madmen Yer Grace.”*


Time would prove that. “Yer’ll see whin we git inside.”** He added darkly.



* “Tell me you’re joking. These are dangerous madmen Your Grace.

** “You’ll see when we get inside.”

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Sophia accompanied the guard to the coach to retrieve the cakes. She thought Anne was trying to charm him by calling him a doctor. He didn't look like a doctor to her. She also didn't mind posing as a servant. Pretending to be a commoner was fun, and she still believed her role might give her an advantage when they went inside. If the warden wouldn't allow the Duchess to deliver the cake herself, she might be the one who actually interacted with the patients. Just in case they were violent, she hoped that Lord Dundarg would accompany her for protection.


“Her Grace is a delight to serve,” she said to the guard. “I could not ask for a better mistress. And no, I did not bake the cakes myself. That is the cook's job.” Her eyes narrowed when he asked if there were files in the cakes. “Are you accusing Her Grace of malicious intent? You could find yourself in prison for that, you know. I will not repeat your words to her, but I would watch my tongue if I were you. We just wish to bring the patients a bit of cheer. It is the Christian thing to do on such a holy day.”


She did not catch the exchange between Douglas and Anne as she strolled back to them with the cake. All she heard was the tall Scot say that they would see when they got inside. See what? Had he been here before?

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"O'course not. It's just lately, we've had one or two... problems." the would be doctor admitted to the girl, his guard somewhat lowered on account of her not being one of the toffs. Sophia promised not to tell on him, and he was grateful. "Thank you miss."


And soon enough they were carrying their loads back to the others. "Follow me if you will, Your Grace, Milord. Govnor Walters office is this-a-ways" and he begun the weary trudge up stairs to the administration section. It was a bit of a chore, especially knowing he was going to have to carry the cakes all down stairs again to the patients.


Anne was quieter now, after the telling off she was sulking.


Reaching a long hall then then traipsed along past any number of doors, down a hall with a kink in it. At one stage the ladies were treated to a window view out over a courtyard. Anne peered, but there was nobody out there. Around another bend in the hall they went, untill they finally reached a door that was their destination.


Halting, the guard announced they were here. "Err... 'ahaps you'd like to see yourself in." apparently he was not so eager to enter. "I'll mind the cakes."

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Douglas was worried. Whilst he was right alongside the ladies’ charitable efforts, Anne’s little slip had revealed other motives which didn’t sit well with him. It added to a growing picture that was beginning to concern him.


Anne had been throwing herself into the life of an Adventuress with great enthusiasm. Given her previous melancholy over her life it brought an energy that he was pleased to see. But she seemed to be doing it with a certain amount of naivety. Quite a lot, in fact. She appeared to have a rather idealised view of the world – perhaps not unusual for a lady of her breeding – and the big Scotsman was worried that one day she was going to have some grand scheme backfire in her face.


Well, maybe a look at the inmates would bring reality home. There was no one obviously visible on their way up to the Warden’s office, but the patients would be around somewhere.


The guard stopped, apparently nervous, and Douglas stepped forward with all the self-assurance of his rank, if not birth. He knocked smartly, paused for a second, then opened the door and strode in.


“Her Grace, Anne Scott, Duchess of Buccleuch!”* He announced in a crisp, military voice.

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“What kind of problems?” Sophia asked the guard as they walked back to the others with the cake. “We were stopped on the way by a guard who works here. He said they were searching for a couple of people. Have any of your patients escaped?”


Luckily, Sophia had no problem carrying her box of cakes up the stairs. She would not have been able to carry them all but one was quite a bit lighter than a cat. And boxes didn't struggle. She played her part well, walking behind Douglas and Anne. The Duchess was strangely quiet and she wondered why. Was she rethinking their plan? Perhaps that wasn't a bad thing. The petite blonde was having second thoughts as well. She would be better able to judge if they should help the patients escape once she saw them. If they were truly insane, they were probably safer here.


If they weren't, then she would be happy to help liberate them.


When the guard said that he would mind the cakes, she added her box to his as Lord Dundarg strode into the Warden's office and announced Anne's presence. She would follow the Duchess when she entered the room.

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OOC: I lost my first version of this post! *weeps* having to reconstruct it.



"Best not say..." the guard avoided talking the woman about the escapes, quite unaware that news was getting out any way.


In the Wardens Office

While the building was plainly new, it was modestly appointed, and so the level of extravagance in the Wardens room might have come as a surprise. Three of the walls were lined with highly polished mahogany, from which hung tapestries; one of a hunt, one of an ocean battle, and a last of a fancy mansion. The furnishings were all augmented by elaborate scroll work, finished with gilt, and upholstered in plush velvet. Behind the desk on the wall was a large portrait of a man atop his horse, the very same figure who was now setting down his quill with a practiced smile, patiently arising from his ledger to greet the guests.


"Your Grace." he moved around his desk to bow to Anne, his attention settling briefly upon Sophia, with unasked question - likely the visit was concerning her internment. And finally he looked back to the Guard.


"A unexpected surprise, and timely perhaps. I shall summon us tea, and while we talk would you loan us your Lifeguard for some, security advice?" His question slid from the Duchess to Douglas himself, and a grateful nod given as Douglas moved off to the hall.


Settling to a seating area, the Warden gave a meaningful look to Anne, and then looked at Sophia to say. "So this is not near so scary as you may have supposed is it? Looks like you'll have enough cake though, you worry about running out of cake then, hmm? Now why dont you tell me your name." Crossing his legs he opened out a notebook and awaited Sophia's reply.



OOC2: Douglas is moved aside to discuss a fence matter, no need to rp that actually, and he can rejoin us as soon as he gets back!

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Did the guard realize that by refusing to talk about it, he was confirming that some patients had, indeed, escaped? Sophia said nothing more about it, but she smirked inwardly as she placed her box of cake on top of his and followed Anne and Douglas into the Warden's office.


She was startled by its opulence and because of it, she disliked the Warden on sight. Most of the donations probably go right into his pocket. I wouldn't be surprised if the patients live in poor conditions just so he can have fine things. When we present them with the cake, we will find out whether or not they get enough to eat.


He stood and rounded his desk to bow to the Duchess. The look he gave Sophia made her shiver, although she didn't know why. Other than that, his demeanor was pleasant. She wondered what kind of security issue he wanted Lord Dundarg's advice on, but she supposed that she would find that out when they left. Maybe it had something to do with the escapees.


When he moved back behind his desk, Sophia sat down on one of the finely-upholstered chairs, arranging her skirts artfully around her. The Warden looked over at Anne and then turned his attention to her. His words made her blood run cold, but her expression remained neutral.


So he thought that she was mad and that Anne had brought her here to commit her. Outraged, her first instinct was to rise and slap him across the face for his insolence, but that would make her look as if she was insane. Giving her real name and title would not help either. He might think that she was having delusions of grandeur or something of the sort. Her accent marked her as German, she was fair-skinned, blonde, and very young. She did not fit the description of a Spanish Ambassador's wife.


In the back of her mind, she considered that pretending to be insane would get her closer to the patients, and she would be able to see their living conditions up close and personal until Esteban came to fetch her. But would he come for her or would he let her languish here for a few days as punishment for her mischief? He was angry at her already. If he found out how she was spending her afternoon ...


No, allowing herself to be committed was not a good idea. Instead she smiled thinly and met the Warden's eyes. “You may close your notebook, sir. I believe you have mistaken our intentions. We have come to deliver the cake to the patients out of Christian charity, to give them a bit of Christmas cheer.”

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There was a pregnant pause as he awaited the young woman's reply. In which time he made note of her redeeming 'qualities', though he was quick to pull his eyes back away from her breasts.


Puzzlement wrinkled his features, "Is this true your Grace?" he looked at Anne.


Anne had been took by surprise, but finally found her tongue at last. "Yes it's true. It is the obligation of those of privilege to give alms to those less so. While usually I give Christmas cake to the orphans, my dear companion suggested that this year we consider those who's anguish is quite beyond our humble comprehension."


Anne felt terrible to not having corrected the wardens mistake sooner, and so allotted Sophia with the charitable credit for their endeavor.


"Oh. Ah. Well, I am most sorry for my error." Well, that was a pity in more than one way. "I am sure the patients shall be very pleased, I shall make sure that they receive it. Your donation is much appreciated."


"That's good." Anne replied, though her eyes flared as she looked to Sophia, not sure how to fix the situation - for their plan was not to now simply leave.

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Sophia noticed the Warden's gaze wander to her bosom and she felt like reaching over and lifting his chin up so that his eyes were in the proper place. If she had been insane, would he have taken advantage of her fragile state and raped her? Now she was afraid that the patients were being abused as well as starved and neglected. She really needed to see them for herself. Liberating the poor things was sounding more and more appealing.


Anne confirmed that she had not brought Sophia here to be committed, as the young Baroness knew she would. It seemed a bit funny to her that she trusted her friend more than she trusted her husband in this one matter. Anne would never leave her here, but she wasn't sure about Esteban. If he did, it would be to teach her a lesson, although by the way the Warden had leered at her, that lesson might not have been the one he wanted her to learn.


She was a bit surprised that the Duchess gave her credit for their excursion. It had not been her idea, though she had enthusiastically agreed with it. “I imagine that other ladies will visit the orphanage with food and gifts, but I doubt they will think of coming here. Everyone deserves joy on Christmas, especially those whose lives are plagued with darkness.” Most likely, that darkness had more to do with the Warden being stingy with candles than it had to do with the state of the patients' minds.


When the Warden apologized, Sophia smiled, albeit a bit thinly. I bet you're sorry. There will be no buxom blonde warming your bed tonight. “It was an honest mistake. Think nothing of it. It has already been forgotten.”


Oops. He planned on giving the cake to the patients himself instead of letting them do it. Anne's look told her that she couldn't think of a way to get them close to the patients. Sophia was good at improvisation, and she thought quickly. “We should like to give the cakes to the patients ourselves, good sir, for I wish to sing for them as they enjoy it. My voice is said to be calming and soothing to the soul and I believe they will appreciate a bit of music on the Lord's holy day.”

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The warden nodded as Sophia guessed rightly that Bedlam did not receive many charitable donations, "Your visit today is most," irregular "unique."


The irregularity of the situation then increased tenfold, as Sophia declared that they wanted to give the patients the cake concurrently with singing to them.


The mans mouth slackened, his gaze slid to Anne, expecting, no hoping to see her laugh that had only been a joke. But Anne was staring right back at him. "Oh yes, that is what we want to do."


Anne would never have come up with such a story as that on the spur, and covertly squeezed Sophia's hand with praise. Straightening her spine she said in her 'I'll be obeyed voice' "Come now, we've not all day, I have to meet Her Majesty at four tor afternoon tea, and I'm sure she shall be very pleased to hear how helpful you have been."


"Err.." The warden felt stymied. "Well, perhaps you can see the patients in the garden room."


Would the ladies agree to that? He hesitated before moving to pull on a cord to summon an assistant, his mind working overtime to how to manage his way around this little hiccup.

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Sophia smirked at the Warden's reaction to her impromptu plan to get close to the patients. In truth, she should have thought of it before. If they liked her singing, she would return and sing for them more often. Nobody should be without music in their lives.


Anne might not be as good at Sophia at coming up with solutions on the fly, but she was much better at manipulating people. She had her status to back her up and mentioning the Queen's approval was a stroke of genius. The young Baroness squeezed her friend's hand in return. Would their ploy work? The Warden seemed reluctant to let them interact with the patients but would he refuse a demand from a Duchess?


She let out the breath that she had not been aware she was holding when he agreed to let them see the patients. “Is that a place where they usually gather? We would like all of them to enjoy our cake and our music.”

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... it seemed to be working.


"No, not usually, we do not usually collect them all together of course. No need to agitate them so, most are best resting in quietness you understand, the less excitement the better. These are fragile minds, you understand."


Listening to the man, Anne begun to wonder if this was not such a good idea after all. Still, there was hardly any going back now, or was there? "We'd appreciate that, wouldn't we?" she looked to Sophia.


A worker in a uniform of brighter shade of gray, and the warden gave the man a nod. "Excuse me miladies." and he stepped out into the hall to organise the cake presentation-come-recital.


The moment he was left Anne whispered. "Are you sure about this, we don't want to raise a riot? What if your singing excites the patients too much. Perhaps you should sing a lullaby instead?!"

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Sophia wondered if the patients would improve if they were able to socialize with each other more. Forced isolation was enough to drive anyone mad. Yet now she wasn't sure if gathering all of them together was the best course of action. The Duchess looked to her, as if for confirmation. Was she having second thoughts as well? “Please do not disturb those who are resting. Just save some cake for them and they can enjoy it when they are ready for it.”


The Warden excused himself and stepped into the hall with one of his workers. The petite blonde noticed that his uniform looked newer than the uniforms of the guards they had met on the road. Again she wondered if those 'guards' were the escapees. They had seemed sane enough to her.


“I will sing softly and not as high as I usually do. Singing a lullaby is an excellent idea. I do know a few English ones.” She gazed around the luxurious office thoughtfully. “I think that the patients may be neglected and all of the donations are going into the Warden's pocket. Once we see them, we will know if my suspicions are true and whether they are better off here or if we should liberate them.


“Maybe we can request that the workers distribute the cake while I sing and we can stand in a safe place where they cannot hurt us if any of them become violent. I do want to sing for them to see if it soothes them. We could also ask for a tour of the hospital afterward. Then we can see the conditions they live in.”

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The ladies formed a quick agreement over the choice of singing, and a cautious position to sing to them from, Anne was visibly relieved for her own saftey, though more concerned now to the fears Sophia raised.


"What makes you think that?" she looked towards the door making to nobody was coming back in, before continuing, "do you mean the portrait, it is awfully ugly I'll grant you. But, it's not such a crime is it? And he does seem to be... well, quite sincere. If I had to live here, I would not want to mix with the other residents either. I think he sounds more thoughtful than brutish, and he's got excellent taste in upholstery, why Jemmy's den has a green velvet just like it."


The warden still hadn't returned, the length of the wait had a calming effect on Anne. Her shoulders begun to relax, and she settled a bit better to her chair. "Perhaps I suggest I become a patron of Bedlam, and ask for regular visits, to satisfy my concern for the patients well being. That might achieve something don't you think. Does anyone else monitor a place like this, do you think? Ah, perhaps the RCP supervise?"

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“No, it is not the portrait. Do you not think it odd that a warden can afford so many expensive things? Maybe he is from a wealthy family, but what if he is using the donations to live above his means while the patients here are deprived of their basic needs?” Sophia had been suspicious of quite a few things lately. She was no longer as gullible and trusting as she had been when she had first come to court. Could it be that she was finally growing up and seeing the world as it really was instead of how she wanted it to be?


Or were her suspicions completely baseless? After they saw how the patients lived, they would know if the warden was honest or not. Maybe they were surrounded by luxury and comfort as well. She hoped that they were, but she feared that they were being neglected. There had to be a reason for his reluctance to let them visit the patients. She had no idea why, but she thought that he was hiding something from them.


And what was he doing now that took him away from them so long? Trying to cover up the evidence of neglect, perhaps? “That is an excellent idea,” Sophia told her friend. She still sat on the edge of her chair, as if she were about to flee at any moment. This office made her uncomfortable for some strange reason. “If the patients enjoy my singing, I can come along with you and sing for them more often.”


The young blonde had no idea what the RCP was. “I do not know. Somebody needs to, to make certain that the patients are taken care of and that only those who need emotional help are admitted. Some people may improve after receiving proper care, and they need to be released so that they can move on with their lives.”

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Anne was perhaps showing her age by being less shocked of the way things were. "Likely it's the benefits of his office, men pay handsomely to gain such positions of authority." she gave a small shrug, "I expect it's like other professions, and people then grease officials palms to ensure that their loves ones benefit from special treatment?" Anne had seen how the rote of bribery worked for peoples benefit, and had come to accept that the flow of coin to certain few was the nature of their times. "Would you feel better if his office was frugal?"


While the ladies were discussing interior decoration, there was much activity out beyond the hallway. The Duchess's impromptu Cake-concert was causing quite a stir.


"We might become firm favorites, an institution within an institution!" Anne smiled of the thought, for the moment not considering that the quality of the admirers they achieved might not be something to brag about.


"Oh now that reminds me." Anne tapped her lip in thought, "Lord Langdon once mentioned a doctor to me, someone he'd sought advice from for his ward, Mrs Smith. The man was a specialist in the diseased mind, making an entire study of them, and was most helpful for Lord Langdon. Perhaps we should seek him out? I think he practices from the Chelsea Hospital - oh my, we are going to be very busy! Perhaps I approach the RCP, and you the Chelsea Hospital."


Now noticing that Sophia was perched on the edge of the seat, Anne moved forwards also. "Are they coming, do you think them ready for us?" It seemed to be taking forever!

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“Perhaps you are right and I am just being paranoid,” Sophia admitted. She had never entertained the notion that the patients' families might bribe the warden, but that could explain why his office was furnished so luxuriously. She supposed she could be biased against him because he had assumed that she was insane and had come to be committed. And she had not liked the way he had leered at her. “I would not be so suspicious if his office was more modest. Something here just feels … wrong … somehow. It is something that I cannot explain.”


She heard voices out in the hallway and wondered what was going on. “We could at least make certain that the patients are looked after and we could encourage other ladies to visit the patients. Some of them would probably appreciate visitors other than their family. And ladies with specific talents could teach them new hobbies. Perhaps being involved in new activities will help them to heal.”


Sophia would be surprised if a doctor who specialized in diseases of the mind was not already involved with the patients. “The doctor you speak of may be helping them already. Perhaps we can ask the warden if he knows of him. If not, we can certainly seek him out. Forgive my ignorance, Your Grace, but what is the RCP? I have never heard of it before.”


She glanced toward the door when Anne asked if she thought the warden would be returning soon. “It does seem to be taking a long time. Do you think I should take a peek outside?”

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"Hmm, well you may be right, heaven knows men can get a little carried away, look at Lord Danby." a topical case in point, though perhaps Sophia had not heard about that.


"The RCP is the royal college of physicians, they oversee medicine and practices." Anne knew about this, for she remembered when the newly arrived Dr Winchester had gone to lengths to become a member. There had been some nasty upsets at Whitehall from other men, such as Lord Brounkner, who had objected highly when the newcomer had thought to 'treat' nobility prior to gaining RCP endorsed status.


"La, but I cannot remember the mind doctors name." she admitted to Sophia. Someone would have to ask Lord Langdon I suppose - though it would be just as quick to simply go there. Unless you want to go to the RCP, and I shall go to Chelsea?"


But it was taking such a long time. Sophia even volunteered to go out into the halls to find out what was taking so long. "Well, ok then." Anne nodded, undecided whether to follow or remain behind in the cosy warm room.

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